All prophets spoke of the end times. About the fact that the time would come for a global choice of the way to move on. Nowadays, we have the great honor of living in this time and making the dreams of all prophets a reality.
Why is our time unique? What kind of prospects and opportunities do we have today? What will our future be like? What depends on you and us, and why is it so important to unite?
👨👩👦 People have stopped being silent about the important problems of our society. If we all want to live in a world of happiness and love, why do we have a world of violence and destruction? We need to build a different, creative world. And we humans can do it!
Together, let's create the future that humanity deserves!
The most important thing is the goal! If there is a goal, everything makes sense, and if there is no goal, then everything else is meaningless. What is our goal? Our goal is to get out of this dead-end of consumer society, which is in fact, a form of hidden slavery, a disguised system of slavery in which we all exist today as humanity, and to start living as a Human, not as a beast.
A Human is the fundamental unit of society. Humanity is one big family.
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WHAT THE PROPHETS DREAMED OF || Making The Dreams of all Prophets a Real...
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