Showing posts with label MoulaAli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MoulaAli. Show all posts
Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim Sermon 25-52
Hazrat Ali (A.S.) Ep 10 حضرت علی (ا س) ای پی हज़रत अली (ए.एस.)
Imam Ali Series (Persian: سریال امام علی; Urdu: سیریل امام علی) is an Iranian epic television series focusing on the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib, directed by Davood Mirbagheri, it covers the incidents in his life of Imam Ali Just before his martyrdom.
Hazrat Ali (A.S.) Ep حضرت علی (ا س) ای پی 09 हज़रत अली (ए.एस.)
Imam Ali Series (Persian: سریال امام علی; Urdu: سیریل امام علی) is an Iranian epic television series focusing on the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib, directed by Davood Mirbagheri, it covers the incidents in his life of Imam Ali Just before his martyrdom.
Parents الآباء
1. Being good to parents is the greatest [and most important] duty.
1ـ بِرُّ الوالِدَيْنِ أكْبَرُ فَريضَة.
2. Be good to your parents and your children will be good to you.
2ـ بِرُّوا آباءَكُمْ يَبـََرَّكُمْ أبْناؤُكُمْ.
3. Whoever is good to his parents, his child will be good to him.
3ـ مَنْ بَرَّ والِدَيْهِ بَرَّهُ وَلَدُهُ.
4. The death of a father breaks one’s back.
4ـ مَوْتُ الوالِدِ قاصِمَةُ الظَّهْرِ.
5. One who scorns his parents has diverged from the right path.
5ـ مَنِ اسْتَنْكَفَ مِنْ أبَوَيهِ فَقَدْ خالَفَ الرُّشْدَ.
6. The affection of parents is [the basis of] the relationship between siblings.
6ـ مَوَدَّةُ الآباءِ نَسَبٌ بَيْنَ الأبناءِ.
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