The prayer of Sanam-e-Quraish (the idols of Quraish) is a very authentic prayer of Amir-ul-Momaneen Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib asws and so has been recognized by all renowned Shia historians. It has been narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas that one night I went to the masjid-e-Nabbivi to offer my late-night prayers and saw Amir-ul-Momaneen a.s offering his supplications. I decided to sit in a corner and listen to Mola Ali Asws’s recitation of the Quran and prayers. After completing Salat, mola asws recited supplications which I had never heard before. Later, I approached Imam Ali Asws and said may I be your ransom, please tell me more about those prayers which I have never heard before. Mola Ali asws then replied, it was ‘Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish’ and added I swear to Allah SWT. who owns the lives of Mohammed asws and Ali asws, whoever would recite this prayer will get an extra-ordinary reward from the Lord; similar to assisting Prophet Mohammeds. s.a.w.w.during the battles of ‘Ohad and Tabooq’ and would achieve the martyred status in the presence of His prophet Asws. The reward of 100 Hajj and Umara as an associate of Prophet Mohammed saw as well as ‘Sawab’ of 1000 months of fasting. In addition, one will be on the side of Rasool Allah asws and Aimah Masomeen asws on the day of judgment, and Allah SWT. will forgive all his/her sins, despite the fact if his/her committed sins are equivalent to the stars in the sky, grains of sand in the wilderness and leaves of all trees. Also, the reciter will be saved from punishment in the grave and a window from heaven will be installed in his/her grave. InShaAllah, prayers will be rewarded, though the sanctity of the supplication, and Oh! Ibne Abbas if any of our friends are, in particular, engulfed by hardship, he/she would surely find refuge through the recitation of this prayer. |
Dua e Sanam Quraish
Wilayat E Ishq Imam Musa ar Reza AS
Gharib e Toos Film Series
His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids.
1-The first ten years were contemporary to Haroon's caliphate.
2-The next five years were contemporary to Amin's caliphate.
3-The last five years were contemporary to Ma'moon's caliphate.
This period was peaceful for Imam and his followers.
However, Ma'moon killed his brother, Amin, and became the caliph. But the Alavi people were a threat to his government. They were successful in gaining people's support because they also had suffered great losses from the Abbasid Caliphate. Therefore, Ma'moon decided not to confront them and wanted to bring back peace and security to strengthen his government.
So, after consulting Fazl, he came up with a treacherous plan. He decided to offer the caliphate to Imam Reza (PBUH) and withdraw himself. Because whether the Imam accepted or not, it would still be a victory for Ma'moon. Thus Ma'moon decided to force the position of Caliph on Imam. It was then easier for him to eliminate Imam Reza (PBUH) and become the legal leader. Furthermore, the risings made against his government would lose their attraction and legitimacy.
On the other hand, he could make Imam settle near himself to control Imam and suppress his followers.
This series is in Persian / Farsi with [Eng Sub].
Wilayat E Ishq Imam Musa ar Reza AS
Gharib e Toos Film Series
His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids.
1-The first ten years were contemporary to Haroon's caliphate.
2-The next five years were contemporary to Amin's caliphate.
3-The last five years were contemporary to Ma'moon's caliphate.
This period was peaceful for Imam and his followers.
However, Ma'moon killed his brother, Amin, and became the caliph. But the Alavi people were a threat to his government. They were successful in gaining people's support because they also had suffered great losses from the Abbasid Caliphate. Therefore, Ma'moon decided not to confront them and wanted to bring back peace and security to strengthen his government.
So, after consulting Fazl, he came up with a treacherous plan. He decided to offer the caliphate to Imam Reza (PBUH) and withdraw himself. Because whether the Imam accepted or not, it would still be a victory for Ma'moon. Thus Ma'moon decided to force the position of Caliph on Imam. It was then easier for him to eliminate Imam Reza (PBUH) and become the legal leader. Furthermore, the risings made against his government would lose their attraction and legitimacy.
On the other hand, he could make Imam settle near himself to control Imam and suppress his followers.
This series is in Persian / Farsi with [Eng Sub].
Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech A Collection of Aphorisms of Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Compiled by: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi (d. 510 AH) Translated by: Tahir Ridha Jaffer.
Ghurar al-Ḥikam wa Durar al-Kalim is a late fifth or early sixth century work that comprises of the aphorisms and short sayings of Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Ṭālib(‘a). The sayings, which number more than eleven thousand, contain words of wisdom and advice that can benefit everyone in their daily lives. It is for this reason that we embarked on translating this work. We hope that, God-willing, it will be a source of inspiration to all those who read it. There are many different extant copies of this book1 and in one recent edition, the original alphabetical listing of sayings have been rearranged and categorized subject-wise. It is the translation of this version of the work that we present before you. Translating a work such as this poses numerous challenges. Firstly, this work is comprised of traditions in the form of aphorisms and short sayings, many of which have been extracted from other longer traditions, sermons and letters.2 As such, in many cases the context of the narration is missing and needs to be investigated.
Another challenge is that in many cases it is evident that there have been changes inadvertently made by the narrators or the scribes and hence other possible forms of the sayings are mentioned in brackets. Here we have translated the other possible forms in parenthesis and have included what we have inferred from the text in square brackets for the sake of clarification and fluidity. Alternative translations and explanatory notes have been included in the footnotes. In addition, there are certain sayings that are difficult to comprehend and accept. An example of this can be seen in the section on the sayings about women. Here we would urge the readers to refer to what the scholars and commentators have said about such narrations and how they should be interpreted.
Though all effort has been made to present an accurate translation of the sayings, we take full responsibility for any mistakes and errors in the translation and seek forgiveness from the Almighty for the same.
Wilayat E Ishq Imam Musa ar Reza AS
Gharib e Toos Film Series
His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids.
1-The first ten years were contemporary to Haroon's caliphate.
2-The next five years were contemporary to Amin's caliphate.
3-The last five years were contemporary to Ma'moon's caliphate.
This period was peaceful for Imam and his followers.
However, Ma'moon killed his brother, Amin, and became the caliph. But the Alavi people were a threat to his government. They were successful in gaining people's support because they also had suffered great losses from the Abbasid Caliphate. Therefore, Ma'moon decided not to confront them and wanted to bring back peace and security to strengthen his government.
So, after consulting Fazl, he came up with a treacherous plan. He decided to offer the caliphate to Imam Reza (PBUH) and withdraw himself. Because whether the Imam accepted or not, it would still be a victory for Ma'moon. Thus Ma'moon decided to force the position of Caliph on Imam. It was then easier for him to eliminate Imam Reza (PBUH) and become the legal leader. Furthermore, the risings made against his government would lose their attraction and legitimacy.
On the other hand, he could make Imam settle near himself to control Imam and suppress his followers.
This series is in Persian / Farsi with [Eng Sub].
Wilayat E Ishq Imam Musa ar Reza AS
Gharib e Toos Film Series
His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids.
1-The first ten years were contemporary to Haroon's caliphate.
2-The next five years were contemporary to Amin's caliphate.
3-The last five years were contemporary to Ma'moon's caliphate.
This period was peaceful for Imam and his followers.
However, Ma'moon killed his brother, Amin, and became the caliph. But the Alavi people were a threat to his government. They were successful in gaining people's support because they also had suffered great losses from the Abbasid Caliphate. Therefore, Ma'moon decided not to confront them and wanted to bring back peace and security to strengthen his government.
So, after consulting Fazl, he came up with a treacherous plan. He decided to offer the caliphate to Imam Reza (PBUH) and withdraw himself. Because whether the Imam accepted or not, it would still be a victory for Ma'moon. Thus Ma'moon decided to force the position of Caliph on Imam. It was then easier for him to eliminate Imam Reza (PBUH) and become the legal leader. Furthermore, the risings made against his government would lose their attraction and legitimacy.
On the other hand, he could make Imam settle near himself to control Imam and suppress his followers.
This series is in Persian / Farsi with [Eng Sub].
Wilayat E Ishq Imam Musa ar Reza AS
Gharib e Toos Film Series
His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids.
1-The first ten years were contemporary to Haroon's caliphate.
2-The next five years were contemporary to Amin's caliphate.
3-The last five years were contemporary to Ma'moon's caliphate.
This period was peaceful for Imam and his followers.
However, Ma'moon killed his brother, Amin, and became the caliph. But the Alavi people were a threat to his government. They were successful in gaining people's support because they also had suffered great losses from the Abbasid Caliphate. Therefore, Ma'moon decided not to confront them and wanted to bring back peace and security to strengthen his government.
So, after consulting Fazl, he came up with a treacherous plan. He decided to offer the caliphate to Imam Reza (PBUH) and withdraw himself. Because whether the Imam accepted or not, it would still be a victory for Ma'moon. Thus Ma'moon decided to force the position of Caliph on Imam. It was then easier for him to eliminate Imam Reza (PBUH) and become the legal leader. Furthermore, the risings made against his government would lose their attraction and legitimacy.
On the other hand, he could make Imam settle near himself to control Imam and suppress his followers.
This series is in Persian / Farsi with [Eng Sub].
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Dua e Sanam Quraish
The prayer of Sanam-e-Quraish (the idols of Quraish) is a very authentic prayer of Amir-ul-Momaneen Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib asws and so has...
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